Penetration testing

Take a proactive approach to your cyber security with penetration testing.


Find and fix security threats before they become a problem

Protect your reputation, employees, and data with regular, robust penetration testing.

Know your vulnerability

Know your vulnerabilities

Get important insights about security weaknesses across your networks, software, and devices.

Manage Risks


See all the risks in your IT and get expert advice on how to manage them.

Strengthen your Cyber Security

Strengthen your cyber security

Build better defences against cyberattacks and user errors with the confidence that you’re prioritising key areas.

Tailored to you

Our penetration testing service starts with a consultation so we can understand your business, IT estate, processes, and concerns. This allows us to configure a bespoke test suitable for your environment.

Detailed insights

Identify vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure with our authorised simulated attacks. These are designed to spot weaknesses that threat actors could exploit.

Clear advice

Get a full report with comprehensive advice on how to improve weaknesses in your networks, software, and devices with severity ratings to help you prioritise the most important actions.

Man in a meeting

Penetration testing assessment

Uncover vulnerabilities in your systems with the help of our cyber security team


of data breaches come from sources external to the affected organisation


of organisations said an attack uncovered a vulnerability previously unknown to them


of cyber attacks worldwide used exploits as the initial infection vector

Power your progress

Join forces with us to build a stronger IT infrastructure, protect your data, and focus on your future.