Modern Slavery Policy

1. Introduction

At Texaport, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency across all aspects of our business operations. We recognise that modern slavery, in all its forms – including human trafficking, forced labour, and servitude – is a grave violation of human rights. We are dedicated to ensuring that modern slavery has no place in our operations or supply chains.

This policy outlines our commitment to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking and demonstrates how we monitor and manage our responsibilities to ensure compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all Texaport employees, contractors, suppliers, and any individuals or organisations working with or on behalf of Texaport. We expect everyone associated with our company to act ethically and to take reasonable steps to ensure that modern slavery is not present in their supply chains.

3. Our Commitment

Texaport is committed to the following actions:

  • Zero Tolerance: We adopt a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery within our organisation and supply chains. We will not engage with any individual or entity involved in such practices.
  • Supplier Due Diligence: We perform risk assessments and conduct due diligence on our suppliers and contractors to ensure they comply with our modern slavery standards. We expect them to adhere to all relevant laws and regulations.
  • Employee Awareness and Training: All employees will be trained to recognise and report signs of modern slavery. We will maintain open channels of communication to enable staff to raise concerns about unethical practices.
  • Ethical Labour Practices: We ensure that all employment within our business, including contracted work, is freely chosen and carried out in safe, fair, and respectful working conditions. We comply with all local labour laws, including fair pay, working hours, and worker rights.

4. Our Supply Chains

Texaport's supply chains include technology vendors, IT hardware suppliers, and third-party service providers. We are committed to ensuring that our suppliers and partners maintain ethical standards. We evaluate their compliance with our policy through:

  • Risk-Based Audits: We conduct regular audits and reviews of our suppliers based on their geographical location, sector, and the potential risk of slavery.
  • Supplier Contracts: Our supplier agreements include clauses on compliance with the Modern Slavery Act, and we reserve the right to terminate contracts if a breach of these standards is discovered.

5. Reporting and Accountability

Employees and suppliers can confidentially report any concerns about modern slavery or unethical behaviour through our dedicated reporting mechanism. We are committed to investigating all claims thoroughly and transparently. Corrective action will be taken where necessary.

We will also:

  • Review and update this policy annually.
  • Ensure transparency by reporting our modern slavery prevention efforts in our annual reports.

6. Continuous Improvement

We recognise that modern slavery is an evolving challenge, and we are committed to continuous improvement in our practices. We will regularly update our policies and procedures to reflect best practices, legislative changes, and feedback from employees and suppliers.

7. Conclusion

Texaport takes its responsibility to prevent modern slavery seriously. We are dedicated to maintaining high ethical standards across all operations and supply chains. By actively promoting transparency and ethical conduct, we aim to contribute positively to the fight against modern slavery.

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