5 business challenges of cloud migration

The cloud offers numerous benefits to forward-thinking businesses that want to work smarter. Cloud-based IT solutions provide superior flexibility and efficiency than traditional on-premises infrastructures. But there are challenges.

To give you the best chance of success, we’ve listed the five biggest cloud migration challenges businesses face and how you can overcome them.


Common cloud migration challenges and how to overcome them

1. User adoption

Stakeholder buy-in is the most common cause of issues and obstacles during cloud migration. Give someone a straight choice between learning a new process or system and sticking with what they already know, and most will choose the latter.

Many businesses work with cloud migration specialists to overcome this problem. From onboarding support to tailored training courses, specialist consultants offer a range of cloud services to help staff adapt to new systems confidently embrace future advances.


2. Cost

Managing internal servers isn’t just time-consuming, it’s expensive. While cloud can be a cost-effective option, cloud costs include the up-front costs of transferring your data, and ongoing service and maintenance charges. You may also need to budget for staff training to get everyone up to speed.

Working with third-party IT consultants can streamline the process and significantly reduce your cloud migration costs. Outsourcing IT support isn’t only more cost-effective than building an in-house team, it gives you access to unparalleled knowledge and experience.

Full migration isn’t always the best option, But IT consultants can advise you on the best solution for your business. For example, a hybrid approach might be a better, more affordable option if you don’t have to contend with sudden usage spikes.


3. Data security

Cloud security is complex. In public cloud environments, the provider and the customer share responsibilities. Physical infrastructure security, including servers and data centres, typically falls to the provider. Customers are responsible for their applications and data.

Data protection, access control, and identity management each play a crucial role in securing your cloud. To maintain robust security across your business, staff must know how to safely transfer, access, and manage data in the cloud – and what to do in the event of a breach. This requires regular training and accessible support.


4. Downtime

Cloud configuration has a huge bearing on system performance. For example, inadequate capacity planning can result in resource shortages during peak times, leading to sudden service outages. Not only does this impact your bottom line, but it can also erode customer trust.

An IT consultant can help you avoid this pitfall by configuring your cloud with scalability and multiple levels of redundancy in mind. This includes setting up load balancers, distributed databases, and multiple server instances across different availability zones or regions. Additionally, they can monitor performance and capacity over time to anticipate resource requirements and prevent overloads.


5. Vendor lock-In

Once you rely on a particular cloud platform’s services, tools, and systems, it can be challenging to switch to another solution – even if you’ve found a better solution elsewhere. This can reduce flexibility and stifle innovation.

Consider adopting a multi-cloud strategy that spreads workloads across multiple providers, so you don’t become reliant on a single platform. You should also regularly evaluate your migration options to ensure you use the most compatible platform and get the best deal.


The value of expert cloud migration support

There are many steps to successful cloud migration – from finding the right platform to configuration. Cloud migration specialists provide guidance and support at every stage to make the process as smooth as possible. They work with you to understand your needs and find a solution to match while providing expert advice on any issues that arise quickly and cost-effectively.

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