Upcoming Cyber security trends in 2024

Every year, the global, fast-paced Cyber security movement finds new directions. With a surge in more sophisticated cyber-attacks, it becomes clear that staying a step ahead of threat actors is the way to go.  As we advance into 2024, cyber security will have a different face; methods will change, and only organisations that can read the signs will stay on top of the game.

The following Cyber security strategies are set to become the winning approaches for saving your organisation from huge business losses in 2024.


What are future expected trends in Cyber security for 2024?


Harmonisation and tightening of Cyber security policy and regulations

It's getting more challenging to keep up with multiple and varied cyber security regulations from country to country. Complying with several different cyber security policies and regulations can dampen the enthusiasm among multinational companies, but there will be great news in 2024.

As the year unfolds, the cyber security community will witness more cross-country handshakes between cyber regulators. There will be bilateral and multilateral policy harmonisation that will save money for concerned organisations and boost their security drive.

2024 will also bring policy-tightening moves from regulators looking to insulate their jurisdictions from cyber threats. More countries will adopt cyber protection measures similar to the UK's Cyber Essentials Certification. Organisations that fail to meet up may fall off the moving train.


Increasing spread of the Cyber awareness culture 

More organisations and businesses are seeing the need for cyber security awareness campaigns. In 2024, there will be an unprecedented drive for education and training on seemingly basic but essential cyber security safeguards such as password strengths, detecting suspicious activity, evading third-party links, software updates, phishing attacks, and multi-factor authentication.

State organisations such as the Cyber security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) organise training for cyber security personnel and general staff. More organisations will sign up for these training sessions in 2024 than ever before. Moreover, in-house training will also trend in the coming year to educate employees to fight against cyber criminals.


More organisations will use Artificial Intelligence 

In 2024, the adoption of AI in cyber threat detection will grow. Although artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for a while, cybercriminals are utilising it more dangerous than ever.

As cybercriminals are using more sophisticated attack methods; in parallel, organisations will have to use more advanced defence methods and tools. The use of artificial intelligence is already on the spike, but this trend will keep going upward in the coming year due to its effectiveness in terms of threat hunting, incident response, and other defensive methods. SIEM, SOAR, and XDR are the most widely used AI-based tools against cyber threats.


Automation and integration will enjoy increased adoption

Relying solely on human power can be expensive, time-consuming, and slow. Integration and automation will be even more important in 2024.

Advanced automated cyber security tools, including threat management, scanning, incident response, and vulnerability management tools are going to be more automated and will be utilised more than before. The best aspect is that these programs will carry out security tasks independently, unprompted and unsupervised when configured properly.


How to prepare your organisation upcoming Cyber security trends


Cyber awareness training

Water the ground by registering your security team for any of the numerous cyber security summits or conducting in-house training programs. Your organisation will benefit from security-conscious and well-updated staff.


Automated tools

You can also implement AI and automated cyber security tools to scan, detect, and patch up your company's systems. If the costs give you second thoughts, think about the possible financial losses a more sophisticated cyber security architecture can help you avoid.



One way to keep your organisation profitable is to ensure that you secure company data and systems from cyber-attacks.

Keeping up with cyber security trends should be at the top of your list as a business. Failure to do so can lead to various losses, including financial, repetitional, or operational. Organisations that will keep their security measure up to date in the coming year will enjoy the benefits of a vigorously protected network.

At Texaport, we understand the importance of these advancements, and we work with our clients to put a reliable system in place to improve their business efficiency. Our team has a wide range of IT knowledge and remains acquainted with the movements in the IT industry. Find out more here.



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