How Microsoft 365 can help you achieve a Cyber Essentials accreditation

Microsoft 365 is more than just a productivity suite; it's a robust tool that significantly aids in bolstering your organisation's cyber security posture. By leveraging Microsoft 365, organisations can meet and even exceed the Cyber Essentials scheme's criteria, which is designed by the UK government to encourage protection against prevalent cyber threats.

This scheme focuses on five critical areas: 

  • Secure configuration
  • Access control
  • Malware protection
  • Patch management

How does Microsoft 365 support the Cyber Essentials requirements?

Secure configuration

The suite provides comprehensive tools for enforcing security policies and configurations across your devices. This includes the ability to set strong password policies and enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), thereby enhancing the security of user accounts.

Passwords in Microsoft 365 must adhere to stringent criteria, including uniqueness, a minimum length of 8 characters, and a mix of uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Access control

Microsoft 365 enables precise control over who can access what within your organisation through its sophisticated user and group management functionalities. This ensures that only authorised personnel have access to sensitive information, minimising the risk of data breaches.

Malware protection

With the Microsoft Defender suite, Microsoft 365 offers built-in antivirus and anti-malware solutions that actively protect your devices from various cyber threats right from the start, without the need for additional software.

Patch management

Microsoft 365 simplifies the patch management process by automatically applying the latest security patches and updates to your devices, ensuring that vulnerabilities are promptly addressed.


How else can Microsoft 365 support your Cyber Essentials accreditation?


Over 60% of corporate data was stored in OneDrive cloud in 2022. This makes it one of the most popular cloud storage apps in the world for businesses.

One drive ensures secure data configuration and encryption, implementing stringent access controls, and integrating malware protection via Microsoft Defender. Its cloud-based nature guarantees that users benefit from the latest security features without manual updates, aligning with patch management practices.

Additionally, OneDrive's robust data backup and recovery capabilities are pivotal for maintaining operational resilience, a core aspect of Cyber Essentials. By streamlining these cyber security measures, OneDrive not only enhances data security but also simplifies compliance with the Cyber Essentials certification.

Data Loss prevention

Microsoft 365 can be enhanced with Purview to bolster your cyber security framework with data loss prevention features. These capabilities help maintain GDPR compliance by allowing organisations to identify sensitive information and prevent its unauthorised distribution.


Microsoft 365 – a useful tool and partner for Cyber Essentials

Microsoft 365 is not just a productivity enhancer but a vital ally in your cyber security strategy. Its comprehensive security features not only facilitate compliance with the Cyber Essentials scheme but also provide a foundation for a secure digital workplace.

Regular updates and new security enhancements ensure that Microsoft 365 remains a reliable, cutting-edge solution for businesses aiming to achieve or maintain Cyber Essentials certification.


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